The current importance of good web design

Acting as a physical store, working as a sales team, working as a showcase to attract customers and show them what they want, communicating and informing about events, news and promotions… These are some of the functions that your website can fulfill.

So taking care of its appearance and the usability and navigability of users is essential for your brand to be attractive.

In these lines we analyze the importance of web design today and what you should take into account to make your site an ideal, current and pleasant space to get visits and increase your sales.

The web, the cornerstone of the digital ecosystem

The digital scenario in which brands and users interact offers multiple spaces, tools and platforms. However, for anyone who wants to showcase their products or services, the web is the cornerstone . For example, social networks are perfect for spreading content and connecting. However, they are channels that do not depend on you.

Instead, the web is that own space in which you as a brand or user have control. You decide what to publish, when and where to do it and how to show it to your target audience . That is the importance of web design, as well as the user experience that anyone who visits you may have. functions of a website

Because of how much it offers you, taking maximum care of the design and web development of a site is essential. Both in the step-by-step creation phase of your website and after launch. And it is that the main functions of a current website are:

  • Report. Who are you, what do you offer, how do you do it… Essential questions about your brand that you must communicate on your site.
  • Attend. It fulfills the function of responding and supporting those users who need specific answers and solutions.
  • Sell. You directly market your products and services from a well-structured website.
  • Loyalty Either with content or by having a quality product or service, you can retain your customers.

Objectives that are pursued with a website

Relying on these four pillars, web pages are designed with previously set objectives. These are the most common:

  • Make a brand visible in the markets that are of interest.
  • Connect with the chosen audience, that is, with the target audience.
  • Show a product or service to potential customers.
  • Positioning for certain queries and product searches.
  • Entertain users to stay in their top of mind for future purchases.
  • Convert visitors into customers .

In short, they all pursue a common goal: to increase sales. And in all this process, the importance of web design is a fundamental aspect.

Aspects to take into account in web design and development

It is true that content is key, as well as a quality service or product. However, how you display it is just as essential . It is there where the relevance of web design is noted . In this sense, there are several aspects to take into account in the web design and development of your site.

Usability and navigability

The user experience is one of the most relevant factors currently, both for those who visit you and for search engines. Therefore, you must offer a usable and navigable site. In other words, simple and intuitive.

charging speed

Heavy and unoptimized images, excessive code, useless content… These are factors that will slow down your website and make your users feel uncomfortable. The user experience will be worse and your positioning, therefore, too.


Positioning yourself organically in search engines will help you attract qualified traffic with little financial investmentKeep this in mind when creating the web architecture, the menus and when publishing your content.


Today users browse from multiple devices. Therefore, your website must be responsive . That is, it adapts to various screen formats: computers, tablets, smartphones…


The contents will be the hook that will get the user to end up converting. Therefore, design a marketing strategy in which they are the epicenter of it. Use them to attract customers who are looking for products and services like yours, as well as to retain those who already know you.