The Big Roundup of Useful MacBook Tips and Tricks

There is a feeling among Mac users that very many features are different and complex. This creates a situation where individuals don’t get enough from their devices. It doesn’t sound good if you’re a device owner, but it’s only because you’re still missing some tricks.  

Lockdowns have become dull. You’ve probably exhausted all the movies and other documentaries you would have wanted to watch. Are you a new MacBook owner? Or, maybe you’ve had it for a while but aren’t getting the most of it. 

Whichever, you’ll love this list of MacBook tips and tricks!

Know Where to Get Accessories

Which MacBook charger do I need? This is a question that a huge number of Mac owners will often ask. Chargers are always delicate, and they can easily get destroyed.

You should know where to get accessories. Not every electronic shop around the corner deals with MacBook accessories. Sometimes you need to locate a dealer or buy from online platforms.

Turn Desktop Folders Into Emojis

Having tens of folders on your desktop creates fear in your eyes. You don’t know where to begin. Sometimes it can become complex to locate some essential files. 

You can turn your desktop into a source of inspiration and fun in many ways. Turning desktop folders into emojis will make your face bright every time you open your Mac. However, emojis used must be relevant to the content of the folder to avoid confusion.

Password MacBook Tips

With hundreds of passwords protecting various files and online accounts, you’re bound to forget your password. Many people have faced this problem. However, Mac is not built to lock you out forever. 

There are two MacBook pro tips and tricks for resetting your password. However, the most critical step is to create a new password. By entering the wrong password, you’ll always get an option for starting afresh with a new password.

Alternate Mouse Control

For Mac, you don’t have to use your usual mouse for controls. There is an option for an alternate mouse cursor with your keyboard. You can easily enable it in the Accessibility feature.

If you already have apple MacBook tips, you just need to move to accessibility settings. Under Pointer Control, you get an option for alternate mouse control. It looks fun using your keyboard to move the mouse.

Activate Do Not Disturb

MacBook is constantly updating its features, and you must be ready for endless notifications. Understanding everything that is happening to your system is always necessary.

With cool tips for MacBook pro, you can easily activate DND quickly. You just need to hold the Option key and click Notification Center. Here, you’ll just activate DND and get to work without disturbances.

Apple Watch and Mac

Apple Watch is one of the essential gadgets that help you to use your MacBook. The company has since integrated the two systems together.

You can quickly use Apple Watch to access various features on your Mac. For example, the Apple watch is used primarily to access System Preferences. If you have mastered MacBook air tips and tricks, you can also use Apple Watch for password authentication.

Renaming Folders and Files

Renaming folders and files is a common practice for many Mac users. The problem is that many have to go through the traditional approach. This can sometimes be laborious and time-consuming.

Mac has made everything easy. You need to know how to quickly rename folders and files. MacBook tricks can guide you through this process through Force Touch.

MacBook Dictionary

Mac developers already understand that some words are tough to comprehend. Some individuals will always find it hard to get the meaning of some words. With Mac, you don’t have to struggle again.

There is an option of going through the traditional search to get the meaning. You can also use the Mac dictionary from the Apple Store. However, if you Force Touch a word, you will quickly get a quick meaning.

Easier Link Copying

Traditionally, copying a link has always been a significant process. It is similar to copying a word. Some users prefer using a mouse.

Mac allows you to copy a link in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to use your mouse. You just have to press Command + L followed by Command + C.

MacBook Screenshots

Taking screenshots is now a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, taking screenshots has always been a complex undertaking. Many people have been forced to go back and read about how it works. 

With Mac, you can easily take a video screenshot. A Simple Shift + Command + 3 helps you to take a video screenshot. Other unique features enable you to record a specific area of your screen.

Switching Between Multiple Desktops

There are very many Mac users who have been using multiple desktops. It is an essential feature that enables users to work on different things simultaneously. However, moving from one desktop to another can be time-consuming.

You can use some simple tricks and move from one desktop to another without wasting time. By pressing the Control button and then the left or right arrow key, you can easily switch between various desktops.

Activating Spotlight for Searching

You don’t have to spend time on your Mac trying to trace some files and folders. Using Command + Space, you’ll create a handy search interface. Here, you can quickly locate files, solve math problems, and even answer some basic questions.

Are You Struggling to Use Your Mac?

Many people have been struggling to use a Mac, especially new MacBook owners. However, with time, everything becomes easier.

You can speed up your process by making use of these MacBook tips. You don’t have to spend several months struggling to find and open important files. Sometimes you could be in a hurry, and lack of knowledge can let you down.

For more information on MacBook and MacBook tips, read more topics here on our website.

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